Comprehensive implementation of electric car charging points in garage halls

The EVPS company specializes in the installation of individual charging points for electric cars (wall box chargers) in the garage halls of multi-family buildings. Multi-family housing requires specialist expertise and design in which we have extensive experience.


Charging electric cars in your own garage is the cheapest form of replenishing energy in the car.
If you are thinking about buying an electric vehicle or you already have one, the question has definitely arisen: where to charge this car?
The process, which is necessary every few hundred kilometers, can be performed at a public charging station, which fortunately increases quickly, but it is not the cheapest, and also not always comfortable, because there is often a long distance to travel from home to the charger.
In December 2021, we saw a clear procedure contained in the amendment to the act on electromobility ( – consolidated text, Article 12), which specifies a few steps to start using your own charging in your parking space. Accessible graphic presentation:

Estimated installation costs:

expertise PLN 2,000 – 3,000 (ordered for more places, cheaper)
project PLN 1,000-2,000
1. charger – depending on taste and expected additional functionalities PLN 2,500 – PLN 5,000
2. power supply – depending on the distance between the switching station and the parking space – usually from PLN 1,000 to PLN 5,000
3. additional elements – if needed
Thanks to the investment in your own charger in the garage, the cost of driving a car 100 km at the level of PLN 5 – PLN 10/100 km and comfort, charged in the morning, in the car’s night (cheaper) tariff.
Quite a nice prospect with the current prices of liquid fuels, right?

We will help you go through the entire process comprehensively, from the application to the community or cooperative to the commissioning of charging.
If you are interested, please contact us below.

Order an expertise, design, power supply and charger assembly.

    or contact us directly, e-mail:, phone: 503 322 035.